Project The posh apartments have won awards L3,4,5 Link Property in Vietnam was the 2nd amount of time in 2016 to recognition the esteemed investors and new investors across the nation with as many as 22 products award for the concept of residential property, commercial, resort. This can be a new and-finish apartment would be the ideal option for your loved ones thorns Ciputra Hanoi apartment rentals and investment possibilities with lots of property
06 pm on 10 May 2016 in the ceremony honoring award probably the most esteemed property Vietnam required place in the Hotel Intercontinental Asian Saigon (HCMC), high-rise apartment complexes of Urban the LINK345 Nam Thang Lengthy (Ciputra Hanoi) was awarded: First prize luxury apartments best Hanoi. Even at the very first time to go to Property Awards in Vietnam 2016, Ciputra Hanoi has gotten the appreciation from the referral unit and also the evaluation committee of Vietnam Property Award 2016 through the project is performed through the owner investment esteemed location and cultural atmosphere worth living ecosystem, synchronized master planning, facilities and ideal service, the professional managers.
Awards Vietnam Property underneath the system Property Awards Asia-is known as Oscar Property Asia (Asia Property Awards). This award recognizes and honors the initial property project, the work has high quality in Asia. With awards from professional management team impartial jury, prize descriptions and lead to elevated positions Asian property sector. Mr. Duong Thien, Chairman of Jury Award Vietnam Property 2016 (VPA 2016) stated: “The project arrived at the ultimate round from the 2016 VPA completely could be proud simply because they have introduced practical benefits for buyers and markets, adding to raise the Vietnam housing market in addition to Vietnam introduced more and more nearer to major markets in the area and also the world. ”
Known project may be the product the LINK345 apartment latest in Ciputra Hanoi urban area, is anticipated to give in quater four of 2017, is available to sell directly in tangible Estate Buying and selling Floor Nam Thang Lengthy urban area (Development company Limited Nam Thang Lengthy urban area).
Once more, congratulations towards the senior apartments the LINK345, achieved first prize to find the best luxury apartments in Hanoi, Vietnam Property Awards 2016. This really is very good news along with a security cost effective for You’ve been and will also be a choice to purchase apartments the LINK345-perfect option for eco-friendly living.
Company Profile Ciputra Group
ridwan suhendar: Mantap.. Keren banget..
Citraland Pekanbaru: Terimakasih Pak Ridwan..
Aqila: mantap lh harga nya pun.mantapp
Yudha Kurniawan: boring bgt.
muhamad safry: dlu pernah ikut ngerjain project cwj 1 ,
ade indra andrian: keren….project nya banyak banget ya
Hanny Meycela: Edit pakai apa ya? :)
Purwo Tedjohartanto: Good Job…. Congrat to Mr Ciputra…
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aan lastfriends: Ciputra world surabaya?