Vietnam traveling wall to stay in morehead city

MOREHEAD CITY, N.C. — It’s an chance to keep in mind and recognition the sacrifices of Vietnam veterans nearer to home.

Greater than 200 bikers escorted The Vietnam Traveling Memorial wall to Morehead City on Thursday before Memorial Day weekend.

The wall is really a 3/5 replica from the Vietnam Memorial in Washington D.C, inscribed with 58,000 names from the fallen.

For 13 years, it’s been traveling the eastern half of the nation to assist individuals who can’t result in the visit to Washington D.C.

“There are individuals who either couldn’t physically result in the trip or emotionally can’t result in the trip so we’re wishing by using their support system around them, they can decide arrive at the wall here and visit,” stated Linda Phelps, Regent of Otway Burns Chapter.

The wall is going to be displayed 24 hrs each day beginning Thurs ..

The outlet ceremony will occur at Glad Tidings Church in Morehead City Friday morning at 11 a.m.


traveling memorial wall Morehead City